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Steven Lu

Professeur régulier

Ph. D. (1990), Harvard University

Intérêts de recherche : géométrie différentielle complexe, géométrie algébrique complexe

Département de mathématiques
Université du Québec à Montréal
Case postale 8888, succursale centre-ville
Montréal (Québec) H3C 3P8

Télephone: (514) 987-3000 ext. 1801
Télécopieur : (514) 987-8935
Courrier électronique: lu{dot}steven{at}uqam{dot}ca

Publications depuis 2010

Articles publiés avec comité de lecture:

G. Heier, S.S.Y. Lu, B. Wong, F. Zheng, Reduction of manifolds with semi-negative holomorphic sectional curvature, Mathematische Annalen (2018) 12pp.
Publié d'abord en ligne à:

S.S.Y. Lu, B. Taji, A characterization of finite quotients of abelian varieties, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN (2018), no. 1, 292--319.

S.S.Y Lu, De-Qi Zhang, Positivity criteria for log canonical divisors and hyperbolicity, J. für die reine und angew. Math. 726 (2017), 173--186.

F. Bogomolov, L. Kamenova, S.S.Y. Lu, M. Verbitsky, On the Kobayashi pseudometric, complex automorphisms and hyperkähler manifolds, Geometry over nonclosed fields, Simons Symp. (2017) 1--17, Springer.

G. Heier, S. S.Y. Lu, Bun Wong, Kähler manifolds of semi-negative holomorphic sectional curvature, J. Differential Geom. 104 (2016), no. 3, 419--441.

Ljudmila Kamenova, Steven Lu, and Misha Verbitsky, Kobayashi pseudometric on hyperkähler manifolds, J. London Math. Soc. 90 (2014), (2): 436--450.

S.S.Y. Lu, J. Winkelmann, Quasiprojective varieties admitting Zariski dense entire holomorphic curves, Forum Math. 24 (2012), no. 2, 399--418.

S.S.Y. Lu, Holomorphic curves on irregular varieties of general type starting from surfaces, in CRM Proceedings & Lecture Notes 54 (2011) titled Affine Algebraic Geometry: The Festschrift of Peter Russell.

G. Heier, S. S.Y. Lu, Bun Wong, On the ampleness of the canonical bundle and negative holomorphic sectional curvature, Mathematical Research Letters 17 (2010), no. 06, pp. 1101--1110.

G. Couture, C. Hamzaoui, Steven S.Y. Lu, M. Toharia, Patterns in the Fermion Mixing Matrix, a bottom-up approach, Physical Review D 81(3) (2010) 033010(1--16). (arXiv:0910.3132.)

S.S.Y Lu, Yuping Tu, Qi Zhang, Quan Zheng, On semistability of Albanese maps, Manuscripta Math., 131 (2010) no. 3-4, pp. 531--535.

S.S.Y. Lu, On surfaces of general type with maximal albanese dimension, J. für die reine und angew. Math., 641 (2010), pp. 163--175.

Centre interuniversitaire de recherches en géométrie et topologie /CIRGET

Séminaire de géométrie et topologie